Pathways Triage Tool
We are experiencing an unprecedented number of threats and concerns presenting in our elementary, middle, and high schools, colleges and universities, and in the workplace. The best way to address threats is through a multidisciplinary team that brings together law enforcement, counseling, psychology, conduct and human resources, and case management. Pathways is a triage tool and risk rubric that can be used on every case coming before your CARE, threat, or BIT team, providing an overall risk level and suggested interventions. For cases with a higher risk level assigned, we have developed the DarkFox Violence Risk Assessment tool. ​Contact us to learn more about developing and training your team.
No data is stored in this online system related to your entries. Users are encouraged to print and save the outcome to a PDF and maintain this according to your institution's data privacy standards.
The International Alliance for CARE and Threat Teams (InterACTT) and DPrep Safety have teamed up to offer free monthly conversation related to the development of collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams such as behavioral intervention teams (BITs) or CARE teams. This approach to violence prevention and intervention is a best practice identified by leading researchers, the FBI, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and the National Threat Assessment Center.
Fill out the form below for more details and pricing information.